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Everything posted by carlasumm

  1. sorry to hear about this jan and hope your not hurt to bad and after all the hard work you put into that car would have been nice to see it the end of the month do you think it will be able to be sorted out or not might have to get an army of us round there and see if we can do a day turn around for ya
  2. here you go a link to what the pia sounds like and heres one more fitted to a toyota dam i laughed so hard watching that train one :lol:
  3. for those people that are saying they are fully comp you better check your policy first because in some of them now in the fine print you will find your only allowed to drive yours and your not covered to drive any other car with or without the owners permission i found out on mine when i was reading all the fine print and im full comp as well but it doesn't cover me to drive any other car but really do hope someone can manage a trip for you
  4. if your insurnace dont cover it you can get temp cover on the net for a day for about £20
  5. excellent news good result soon have the old girl back then
  6. hes just trying to tart up the car before sunday
  7. good luck finding one that does it as it would be illegal for them to make it as the rules have now tightened up on them new plates are to be the basic letters name and postcode of manufacturer and they also have to keep a record of all plates they make now
  8. that was one thing i didnt have to do they done mine fully comp no problem at all
  9. it doesn't make any difference who fits it the insurance companies now say it don't make a slightest bit of difference to your premium that was the first thing i asked about when i got my quote but was told it wont make it any cheaper and i be leave others have had the same response from theirs i even got told it wouldn't make any difference if i had tracker fitted to it
  10. it was carrying your irn bru that broke his van on the way back
  11. for that sort of money they gave you i would have brought your old car back off them for next to nothing then just repaired the bits yourself but nice replacement though
  12. this website might help http://www.classic-celica.com/nuke/index.php
  13. luke you might need to check with stephen g first as your using the club logo that he has the rights to
  14. edited so the link works if its only light end damage why hasnt he just replaced the panels think i would ask him if you could hear it running before you brought it
  15. when i asked my insurance company if it would make any difference if i had a cat 1 alarm fitted they said no it wont make any difference
  16. he made it down to Portsmouth so was on his way back up
  17. not sure the rac would do deliveries they will just take him straight back only time they will stop is to swoop over drivers as they reach their limited area
  18. how far did you get in the brian never good thing breaking down at least you will save on the petrol and get a good sleep on the way
  19. thats means i got and extra 20bhp then i have two on the rear and a extra large sun visor one on the front
  20. what really make me laugh is that if you watch most of the bike meets on youtube at the ace its them acting like pratts wheeling and burnouts all over the main road in front of it while theres traffic driving down the road and yet the cars are the ones that are one putting them in danger go figure i think this video says it all burn outs cutting up cars and wheelies
  21. the comment is left under the video on youtube if you go to youtube by clicking on the title of the video on this thread it will take you there then just look at the comments underneath
  22. just left my views on his comments and i want even there unfortunately
  23. do you just love it when people accuse you of things when from what i heard it all went really well (no to cars at the ace these are the same people who run us off the road ,Bikes only at the ace g2sticks 1 month ago)
  24. white for me to just think its really suits the cars
  25. i would go with silver to pick up the silver in your lights
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