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Everything posted by GreyRacer

  1. Ok thanks Matt. An easy one just to get things moving along and maybe some new members interest. A picture of a fish supper on newspaper sitting on the bonnet scoop of your Celica.
  2. No, and it's the first time I've come on that street.
  3. 20k on Eagles is a dream lol. Even on the back.
  4. Probably 10k till I get to 3mm. (2k per mm).
  5. In my six years of ownership I've never had any problems with my rear tyres and ive covered 40 k miles and my car stands garaged for six months in every year. I don't get inside rear wear or any kind of of uneven wear but then my geometry is set correctly and I only use Eagles.
  6. It's not unknown for Chinese budget tyres to 'square' off due to poorly constructed sidewalls. It's another reason why these tyres should be banned from use in the EU and especially the UK.
  7. Yes that's me and it's about 9 miles away. Used it last time though this was asked in 2009. Same was asked again in 2011.
  8. They were and we did a GB for 117 delivered.
  9. I though they were expensive when I paid £117 for it.
  10. Happy 6 Anniversary GreyRacer!

  11. GT86 was completed and we've moved on to next challenge.
  12. Looks ok if a bit dim due phone flash. White GT86 kissing thunder grey Gen 7.
  13. Well my hunt for the TRD clutch is well scuppered. The number of places I've tried in the states is now well into teens, six had them listed and none were in stock. All six sent me emails to say that they are now discontinued and try Japan. anyway went back to the drawing board and sent a message to MWR to see if they could held. Not with TRD but after a few emails with Matt and what I was looking for I settled on an ACT TC2-HDSS which he said it close to TRD in spec and suitable for fast street and track days. Little bit more than TRD prices would have been but at $460 delivered to my agent in Houston not to shabby. Order in to a local dealership for two full sets front and rear TRD pads, TRD oil filters and a TRD radiator cap. What with the upper front brace I picked up for the RAV4 I'm now on my baggage limit. So now I need to get a MR2 LSD. Any help here much appreciated. Then I just need a decent gearbox builder. December/January.
  14. Think that's the old style. He wants a lot more for the N-Type which sell retail in the States for $37.50 at any Mr. T TRD dealer.
  15. No idea really but I'm of the opinion that if designed by TRD as an upgrade then it should be tried, tested and match well. It's not until you start looking at US normal Mr. T prices that you just realise how much we are being ripped of in the UK, even allowing for inflated transport costs. Try this for a comparison. TRD Clutch kit £249 (Fensport £663) TRD pads £53 a set. TRD (Fensport £167) TRD Filters £7 for the top red Jap version. £5 for US black version (Fensport £21) I'm going to get 2 sets front and rear pads, 4 filters and the clutch kit. Would buy even more stuff but got to watch weight allowance. Trying to track down a set of TRD drop links, they are not heavy and a TRD radiator cap.
  16. Kind of looks like fitting TRD clutch and MR2 LSD for next season on track.
  17. Looks like the older we get, the worse we become.
  18. My demograph would be 61 year old greyracers who wont give up any tarmac space to younger divers. Owns other cars but enjoys driving the Celica to the max it will give. Has a slight tendency to road rage due to the number of incompetent drivers out there who should not be sharing the same roads as his Celica is on.
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