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Everything posted by digs

  1. Emailed now, so will see what the price of the device is However, I do believe you should drop everythig and work 24/7 on your protocol slacker seriously, nice work, would be really good if you can get it finished
  2. Hi, got sent a link to this device from a supra owner, anyone seen/used it ? Set up for 3sge and 3sgte (as well as other non-celica engines) Thinkig of getting it to log what the 3sgte currently runs, really useful for base map creation, tweaking, etc. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=zfapps.toyobd1 as need to get an android device to run it if I did, wandering if anyone has tried it ? http://jfbreton.blogspot.ca
  3. fibreglass kit, fibreglass filler, and body filler, to sort out the body kit bits
  4. also like you say, 3sfe drive shafts are different and pain in the ass to get, so if they have they, cool!
  5. everyone will have opinions on piggy backs (are they worth it, should you go for full replacement, which is better, etc) so make sure you research and chat. Having said that.....I use an emanage blue, and the ultimate is the better one that I would much rather have, more features including auto tuning, full injector control, etc. Just because I know the emanage, I would be happy with an ultimate. However....get as many opinions as possible, others get recommended
  6. tuning developments will fit and tune a piggy back http://www.tuningdevelopments.co.uk/index.php?cPath=6_30 http://www.tuningdevelopments.co.uk/index.php?cPath=624 or do what I did, buy one second hand. Find a guy who will build plug and play harnesses (pm me if you need to) and learn how to tune
  7. why not piggy back, neutral tune for now, but rig up wideband and log everything, throttle position, injector duty, knock, etc. Then you have a good base map to learn how to tune it in future ? Can do it yourself then after learning about tuning ?
  8. is good to debate now, about nox.....
  9. That's sounds like a good solution, Wilo, do it!
  10. Sounds like you want to play around with the engine and mods etc, which I admit is lots of fun, but you really want to turbo it for any of these things to make a difference. If that's not the route, maybe leave the engine alone and do some other styling/suspension etc mods ? If what dubs says is true really, what you really want is a nice white twin turbo supra.....
  11. Not right now but will be, next steps are coilovers, lsd and tyres. Lsd will improve things, just need to get some more cash together for it. Assume all the superchargers also use lsds ?
  12. I kinda thought more contact would mean harder to spin when power put down , but guess it's all a balance, too far and benefits are dwarfed by drawbacks.
  13. Cheers guys. Yeah it does, def sounds better to get grippiest tyres and spend more on them Interesting on it being worse on the 9s!
  14. 7.5 still ok for manouverability ? Reckon that's the biggest to go ? Running 215 on 7s at moment. If going slightly larger will make no grip difference will focus on the best tyres can get. Thanks btw. Ah, orc came in while writing. Focus in on the tyres then.
  15. Ok wheel experts....in general as general advice, supercharged 7s may be able to help here Running 17" 7j wheels at the moment. Now, having a 3sgte engine put in at the moment, this is still in a front wheel drive. Wheel spin is going to be an issue, so is it worth better tyres and a wider wheel to help grip ? Should I be looking a more 8j, will this make any real difference or not enough to be worth bothering about ? What do the 7th gen superchargers run to maintain grip ?
  16. mine did this when brake fluid was low, came on and off, topping it up sorted it out.
  17. ummm...I am, could do I guess, didn't really think ! thanks
  18. will shiply it and see what comes up, as long as a couple of firms are interested, maybe not too bad, especially as can drive on and off transport (unlike the current pita shell I am getting transported!!)
  19. cats welded in, will be undo downpipe and have a rather massive noise from engine though not much smoke as the oil falls striahgt out...... probably trailer then tbh....cat cost enough in the first place......may already be ruined as it's been driven already like this before I realised.... Though if can clean cat..... not worried about looking/sounding like a complete div
  20. Hi, need to get my car down to Beks next weekend (hopefully), but the turbo is currently spewing oil into the exhaust. It's only a half hour drive, and at the end of it's journey the engine and turbo are being removed, so not considered on damage to that. don't really care about the oil drinking or smoke out the back. However, will the oil damage the sports cat and/or wideband sensor ? If so would really need to trailer it down... Though maybe not a bad idea as won't have a car to drive back if I drive mine down!
  21. I'm too soft-hearted, I hope someone sees it and loves it, and he makes his money back on it, has a think of how to do it better next time. Shame he went for the green theme, original white with a respray, white and red theme inside instead of the green, with the carbon, would have looked quite nice. I would recommend he gets a good photographer, get it photo's in a cool location as well, really make it look special, you know, against cool graffiti or something, something pretty urban. Would make a massive difference to the look of the cars compared to the current photos. Brand it as something to sell.
  22. Thanks, might have found someone but could you pm me his number in case ? thanks To Beks first, scrappy after Cheers, will take a look in a bit, thanks for the help and advice guys!
  23. not sure, will have to check no engine! going to beks first, looking for a transport firm that would be happy to do just that, winch it on, as not concerned over body damage. cheers, looking for trailers to rent and chat to my friend that loves his 4 by 4 so it's about time he showed me what it can do....could be an option
  24. would get it to the trailer very well with a winch at that point can drag up.....
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