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Everything posted by Devious

  1. Ahem.... Tabba you're not too far off the mark actually Lmfao
  2. Lol. Its been a massive help though.... And here's my template Ta-da
  3. Yup.... Although the above statement may be a big fat lie....
  4. Sighhhh .... Emental looks like my sill.... Hopefully RP will throw some light on the subject.
  5. What is the name of those fancy pants plates/covers that you guys have in your engine bays that you spray/sticker up? Where would i get my paws on some for my Gen 5? Ta
  6. Lmfao... I did the same with a gear box mount on my Fiat. Asked all the motor factors to be told "Fiat only part mate" about ten times. Posted on the fiat forum and the first response was.... "Errr go to Fiat" Happens to us all mate
  7. Today, for me it was watching the ricer in his heavy kitted Focus being left behind by a 19 yr old car. Then getting in from a strenuous night shift to be given the biggest kiss and cuddle by my 3 year old. Its simple things that really make you smile...
  8. Welcome to Celica Club UK Devious :)

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