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Everything posted by marso70

  1. Happy 4 Anniversary marso70!

  2. Happy Anniversary marso70!

  3. Happy Anniversary marso70!

  4. Happy Anniversary marso70!

  5. Glad to hear your got the alarm sorted for the car, unfortunately having a nice car like the celica (even worse if its been modded) is that it attracts a lot of negative attention as well, i learned the hard way a few weeks ago as i parked my car on the street while i was working on the door in Liverpool..., so i could keep and eye on it, and with it being a tuesday night its usually fairly quiet with just students out, well one student thought it was funny to place a plastic wet floor sign on my roof, i chased him up the street and dragged him back by his neck to my car and said if there was so much as a scratch on my roof, i was going to pull his arms off, of all the cars in street he picked mine , cos he said he stuck out, i told him i didn't work two jobs for gobshites like him to ruin my pride and joy....., i was shouting him that loud he started shaking and actually began to cry,..... the other lads i was working with on the door came ove to try and calm me down.......i told him to fuck off and if i ever saw him again i'd fucking kill him....lesson learned my car now gets parked away from the city centre of liverpool or in a multi story high security car park....
  6. Hi nice to see someone else from Liverpool on here


  7. I get that too!! Glad to me its not just me then...
  8. My missus doesn't really like mine as she says its too low when getting out, she sits too low in the seats, the car comes first and that i'm always cleaning it and it gets whatever it needs, and says that I think 'i'm vinn diesel, cos I've got a shaved head and weigh about 17 stone....and drive like i'm in the fast and the furious. Yet inspite all this she bought me my private number plate for my birthday!!!
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