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Everything posted by KrisSilver

  1. There's a slight gap along the top and bottom too. Is there not one that's an entire surround to get it flush?
  2. How much did that system cost if don't mind asking? Only thing is, doesn't the rear windscreen & wing mirror de-mister button need pressing every startup?
  3. I've never had a hand brake fail on me or known it to happen to any family/friends (this decade). As a kid when getting in my old mans car I started it a couple of times and he'd put it in first on a downhill drive. I was like, wtf and hated leaving/finding cars in gear thereon - seemed old school. For me it's drilled in from experience to be more risky for you/someone to start it in gear being out of the habit of checking, than have a hand brake fail or something.
  4. Are you sure it's the window itself, does it stop if you put pressure on the window? The passenger seat, glove box, and something else in that area slightly rattles on mine, not sure about the window.
  5. I thought you meant ICE then! It annoys me too, the 7 is so vulnerable to the cold. I put copper grease on the rubber seals, hopefully that's ok. I spray night before de-icer on my wind screen and other spots, reduces the ice. Also have a thin wind screen cover sheet - which folds into the front doors.
  6. This happened to mine but I still had the clip, and it glued in fine. I would PM Ams as he or someone else may have or know where to get these clips easily enough. Glue it in, jobs a gooden!
  7. It's not the size that counts... Someone was gona...
  8. I wondered this as I've long been looking out for one to buy. For me the value in the screen would be the ease of scrolling through music, artists, playlists, settings etc. Handling music and calls from the phone via bluetooth visually on there. If no satnav built in, having it able to receive the phones video output and thus the phones sat nav, is a huge win.
  9. That is nice. I need to install my start button. Only thing with that one is flicking the cover up and down again every-time would get tedious.
  10. Looks lovely but definitely dodge, GT wheels, red, 16k miles for 3k, and no contact via the site it's advertised on. No way.
  11. Yeah as Rory said, service said is was the "fan belt" (christ how many names/references does it have lol). Wanted £70 fitted. Bought one on ebay for £20, and paid F1 auto's £20ish to install. Squeaks gone so far. Avoid Toyota brand, apparently it's looser. Apply some grease to the belt to clarify if it's the source!
  12. I was getting a bit of crunch in reverse and 1st until I just had my clutch replaced. Sounds like it definitely needs adjusting to behave that way post that being done.
  13. Were one of the most cctv filled nation in the world, have some of the safest roads in europe yet still are penalised so heavily in both fuel, speeding fines, parking, insurance. The ratio's just don't work out to justify it to me, uk motorists are seen as a bit of a pocket filler.
  14. I just wired my foot well LED's to the cig lighter, works fine. I'm apprehensive with mods too, and done this with my flat mate ok, so I honestly think you'd be ok wiring to the cig lighter. If you fancy it I'll link you a couple of guides. RoryK is kindly helping me with some mods this weekend, plenty of good karma going around. My companies head office is in Reading so if by chance I'm up there I'll let you know otherwise probs too far for me too. If your really struggling could poss meet you half way. But like I say, I'm A) a noob myself and Convinced you can do this one solo with the right guide and on-line advice.
  15. Noise! Rattly interior (even after doing some of felfy's tips), a rattle under engine (exhaust or under engine plastics I think). Road noise. Flakey T-Sport alloy wheels. The rear wiper fluid often leaves a trail mark.
  16. Can anyone think of any reasons why you wouldn't declare your car SORN if you had it off road without insurance for awhile. I mean you'd only bother to take it off if it was more than say a month, so you may aswell sorn and un-insure right?
  17. Another Celica gen 7 prefacelift 140, then before that a Renault Clio, 1.2.
  18. I heard you should always try and stick to between 2-3k. So from that I deduce if I'm below 2k I change gear to keep it literally just at 2k. The car does slightly labour harder when going below 2k too I find.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NAPIER-Universal-Cle...=item4aa7748304
  20. Depends how often you'll realistically have more than 1 passenger. Even then, could you not access another car for the rare times you have 2 passengers. I'd say go with it.
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