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silver gt

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Everything posted by silver gt

  1. Yep, we were waiting for that book while it was being written and some of us even pre-ordered it. http://www.celica-club.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=53100 There's even a review of it somewhere.
  2. While we're waiting for a photo with a Celica in it I thought you might like this one. Taken a few years ago, some mates and I hooning around the national parks in southern Utah in a rented Ford Exploder.
  3. You feel better now that's out, don't you?
  4. Sorry guys, been away for a couple of days. Next up...Celica in the same pic as a big public clock. Church, town hall, that sort of thing. Double brownie points for Big Ben
  5. My gf threw some pink ones away just a couple of weeks ago when her Astra was scrapped I've got some in the '85, but not pink.
  6. I wish! It's a cheap copy I bought secondhand for £10 because the electrics didn't work. A quick rewire and some replacement switches got it going. When I was in a band in the 70's I used run it in stereo using 2 amps, with a touch of distortion on the bridge pick up. Well, I thought it was cool So, another challenge? What I want is something at least 100 years old on your Celica. A thing, not a person, so no getting you Gran in her stockings on the bonnet (though if you want to do that, post it up anyway ), and it's got to be on your car, so no parking in front of old church or something.
  7. How about this? I never go anywhere without a couple of axes in the boot.
  8. Ha, an easy one for me. Just rolled the bike out of the garage, and voila! Another challenge? mmm Your car, with an item of ladies intimate apparel caught under a wiper.
  9. It's an 80's car, they're period ... they're retro chic ... they're ironic? Whatever OK, for the next one, I want to see your car with all of your car cleaning products arranged on the bonnet.
  10. There you go Katy, I fixed it for you.
  11. It's taken me days to find a sub station, but at last... OK, what I want to see next is your car in a disused quarry, surrounded by Daleks. but if that's too difficult then your car parked next to a car that's not your's, not Toyota, but exactly the same colour.
  12. Brian Long wrote a book, Toyota Celica (1899154027), on the history of the Celica in 1995. An excellent book, it's out of print and hard to find now. He has written a new book, Celica and Supra: The Book of Toyota's Sports Coupes (1904788130) which is due for publication in April. Amazon are taking orders.
  13. I've got a brown car, anyone want to come and park next to it?
  14. I know it's cheating cos they're old pics, but because I can....
  15. Here's my car this afternoon next to the outer wall of the Roman town Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester). Could be anywhere I suppose, so I took one in front of the sign as well.
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