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Status Updates posted by spotv6

  1. It’s been quite a while since I said hello .

    but it’s now time to say goodbye ..I’ve decided that the beast from the east has need of a new owner .

    its up on e bay atm with a reserve of £6k 

    so if your interested in purchasing the most modified gen 6 in the uk .

    either look for Celica showcar or get in touch via e mail 


    cheers for the great times I had with this club but life sometimes takes you in different directions and I had a great run and a great time modding and showing her .

    1. Old Red Celica

      Old Red Celica

      Oohhh, shame to see you selling up. But whoever buys your car will be buying "Spot's Old Motor" but like Phil "Kandymans" old car.

       I wonder what the new buyer would do to it?

  2. Happy Anniversary spotv6!

  3. Happy 9 Anniversary spotv6!

  4. now thats what i call a cracking AMP!!!

    oops did i really write that

  5. You can put the restraining order in the post xx

  6. Happy Anniversary spotv6!

  7. Happy Anniversary spotv6!

  8. Happy 10 Anniversary spotv6!

  9. Pols in me ass off

  10. Membership renewal

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