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Everything posted by rubbadub

  1. That's the cheapest you'll find, but isn't yours a '97 gt? They seem to vary a lot from car to car.
  2. Come on now guys, this isn't just an excuse to show off your own little projects!
  3. Always really liked this on the 350z, wonder if it could work on a 7?
  4. Here you go mate: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130303021722AA28QPr If I were you, I would sell your Celica and buy a 5 door Rav4 with a towbar - they are great cars and surprisingly enjoyable to own and drive.
  5. What on earth is a 'Yaris Free Tonic'?!
  6. Welcome to Celica Club UK rubbadub :)

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