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Viva La Bloke

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Posts posted by Viva La Bloke

  1. I had them for a few months, heard mixed reviews about them. Thought I'd be sensible with them so when I ordered them I bought myself a torque wrench aswell just so I didn't over tighten them and knacker them. But because there made of alloy no matter how careful you are once they've been taken off and put on more than about 4 times the thread will be fooked lol I didn't trust them at all cause they weigh next to nothing. I've still got them in my draw actually lol ill take a pic of the thread on them for you tomorrow. But honestly I can't say it enough lol avoid alloy nuts like the plaque

  2. i always see this stuff posted but i never undderstand so ill ask it here....why red coolant not blue? what is the difference between the two in terms of the effect on the car? just to add ive ran blue coolant in the celica for the last 2 years with absolutely no problems so i really dont see the point in paying toyota a ridiculous amount for a different colour unless somebody can tell me a tangible difference ;)

    Blue and red have different adatives and I believe the red is supposed to have a longer life. Think blue is recommended to be changed every 2 years whereas red is upto 5 years I think ?

  3. Now I know your all just gunna say "buy toyotas pre mixed stuff ya can't go wrong with that" lol well I didn't fancy a drive to toyota and I can get antifreeze cheap through work so I did lol

    So the stuff I got from work isn't ready mixed so do I do 50/50 water/antifreeze or more water to antifreeze or more antifreeze to water ? Lol

  4. Ok i admit defeat here

    I just tried to grab a chicken :)

    I got it, but in the process got nettle sting, the cockerel attacked cos i dared to nab one of his ladies and during said attack i fell over backwards , still holding the chicken :( whereupon the cockerel rounded for another go

    So phone in pocket, take chicken to car and place on roof but then its not that easy to hold it there while trying to get phone out and set to camera

    She used the windscreen as a slide and ran off squawking before i could get a pic :rolleyes:

    Damn I wish this was a video challange lol woulda payed money to see this :lol:

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