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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. Go With your mate of you trust him. Also if you don't mind a little elbow grease, ask to lend a hand. Its always nice to know a little about under the bonnet as Thesherv just mentioned
  2. Cheers Mrgtfour, and yes, they are a pain in the ass! I'll get hold of one of the bush kits too if I can get the main problem fixed!
  3. got it done at my local garage where I normally take my car. Been going there for a few years now. I must admit he didn't seem to keen on doing it when I asked as apparently there an a**hole to do. I'm taking it back on Monday to hopefully get it sorted. It was some young kid that actually did the work though which is why I'm worried about it. Annoyed as I trusted him. I might in the end just take it else where and have it re done. The clutch was of e-bay, new and from a fella who just sells clutches. He had positive feed back for thousands so I'm pretty sure its not the clutch that is the problem unless it was put in incorrectly if its able too.
  4. I Did check them too. One has a little play, where as the other has none. Like I said before though. The gear change was fine before the clutch was done. I wonder if they have stretched a cable or bent something?
  5. I Bled the clutch fluid and now there is definitely no air. its notchy even when the car isn't running.
  6. The Biting point seems ok. Just the gear placement is out I think!
  7. I'm Hoping so as they had the car for two days as it is. Is there anyway of adjusting them though? From what I've read all I can find is adjustment on the pedal for the clutch.
  8. No, she changed gear lovely! Very smooth and precise.
  9. Hey all. Well had my clutch done, got her back today and I've already got to take her back to the garage!! First gear is hard to get in and when putting her into reverse she crunches I'm hoping its not the actual clutch messing around. If I put her into reverse with the car off, keep my clutch to the floor and start her up, she starts as she should, no biting or catching. Its just when shes running. Could this be just adjustment in the gear linkage or something more serious? The pedal seems fine and no play. Cheers for reading all. A concerned lee :/
  10. had trecar plugged in and all it came up with was lean fuel. trying some injector cleaner at the moment. Cleaned the maf and sensor in the exhaust. Tried to find an air leak but can't find one. Just the hiss from the inlet manifold that seems louder than it should be but then I haven't had another celica to compare it too. Getting a manual tomorrow so going to have a look at the inlet manifold next weekend. I'm just waiting for the clutch to be sorted on wednesday first. So my question is, anything else I could look at before next weekend that could be the cause? Thanks for reading Lee
  11. Cheers For the replies all. Well shes going in for a clutch wednesday, and once I find this dam air leak and sort that out then it'll be the body work. Foyer now sadly it will have to wait. I'll have a go myself at the worst ones along with some tcut. Again cheers all. Leew
  12. gen 6 looks a little like a merc from the front with all those lights...... (jk) thats why i prefer the 7
  13. We Can't all afford to get a mortgage to shop there Arizona and Planc, I meant as in family sticking together! as in the celica s :/ Admittedly I do flash every celica I pass, got a wave and flash from a red gen7 monday I think it was. Then yesterday I flashed, to get the "who the fook are you"look. Mind you, when they got closer she was about 60! :/
  14. I Think my car is a sufferer of previous motor way miles and has a fair amount of chips on the bonnet. Any one got any ideas of the best way to sort them out other than a respray!!! Tried touches up pens in the past and they just never seem to work. Maybe its the way to sort the finish out? :/ any ideas much appreciated
  15. Shopping in tesco's and I came out to this, says it all.........
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