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silver gt

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Posts posted by silver gt

  1. and..is it just me or do Celicas steam up more than any other car in existence?!

    No. I've had 17 cars before the Celica and it's one of the best.

    Prevention is always better than cure, and the way to prevent car windows from misting up is to clean them. Absolutely 100% clean glass doesn't mist up at all, it's dirt that causes it. If you keep the glass as clean as you can misting will be kept to a minimum.

  2. I post this in the interests of balance.

    I have tried a can of this stuff in my '98 GT (110k miles).

    Figures: The product cost £18.50. Increase in mpg was zero. Time to recoup cost - infinity and beyond...

    Subjective: I have not noticed any changes. The car was running fine before, and it still is.

    Conclusions: Don't believe the hype.

    There seems to be an assumption that any engine over 10 years old must be full of crap and running like a dog. If your's is then it is probably worth running a cleaner like this through to maybe get an improvement, but the -GE engines are pretty clean fuel burners and not particularly prone to fouling up so if your engine is running sweet I wouldn't waste your money.

  3. Hi

    I need a new trolley jack and axel stands, bought one from argos a while back, but after i had used it a couple of times i was in argos buying shelves etc and saw on the wall a recall notice for the set as the axel stands were prone to failure O_O (yes they could have given way at anytime with the wheel off and me under it with only my body stopping the car hitting the ground and damaging my fragile fibreglass bumper.. im sure i would have been fine though :P)

    anyways, it doesnt need to be able to lift a tank of anything, but i dont want to die either, something liek this do the job:


    unless someone can reccomend a better one, or if any member in the Kent area has a spare one they want rid of...

    holla back

    I'd avoid that eBay set. It's made by Am-Tech, the brand responsible for most of the top quality tools found in pound shops and on market stalls.

    Here's a decent one at a bargain price:


  4. We did have 'how to' sub sections in each generation's forum, but when the Wiki software was added they were all merged into that.

    The reason you can't find the guides you want, or the detail in them that you want, is because no one has written them.

    We need to encourage people to write some content before fretting over how to organise it.

  5. I can do cheaper than that ...

    28.7 a litre. That's my 185 at the pump. :)


    (photo may have been taken in the Czech Republic some years ago.)

    I was just going to comment on how old the photo must be with your 185 in it, but then spotted your small print :lol:

    My dad's got a receipt from the 60's for 5 star at 2/6 a gallon. Does that count? :P

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