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Everything posted by Mybootdontopen

  1. Do other types of melosn count as our lass may help out?
  2. How is the banana standing up? Oh and Odguy-thats a very small banana!!
  3. Ok then. Your car with 2 apples and a banana on the bonnet. Apples side by side with the bananas base stuck in the middle.
  4. Ah didnt realise you had accepted a kayak!!
  5. Heh, was right about it being a gen7 owner Top work sir.
  6. Since your short of ideas, how about a selection of teddies on your bonnet? Gen 7 owners should have plenty.
  7. Hmmm, lets see who is brave enough to take their pride and joy to the supermarket In a supermarket carpark with a trolley of shopping infront of your open boot.
  8. Here ya go..... Now to pour it back in!! vodka.bmp
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