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Lucky escape!


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Yeah, haha, they're not too bad with traffic/motoring issues, the 5-0 around Rotherham and Sheffield. Car crime is pretty high in Sheffield and Rotherham, but mostly due to uninsured drivers and untaxed motors, you always see someone being pulled on the drive to work, haha.

They've recently just launched 2 Range Rover HSE Sport's fitted with ANPR camera's and all the works... I saw one on the road in Hellaby and it looked like a normal dark grey Rangey until a Pug 106 went by the opposite direction and it spun round from infront of me and shot off with the blue's and two's... such quick acceleration, and the sound was pretty decent too. Not an amazing turning circle though! :P

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I fully agree. There was a huge e-petition about a year ago to have all speed cameras on major roads switched out for ANPR cameras. I think it's a great idea, another good place would be on the underside or overside of bridges over motorways, on the backroads. A lot of uninsured drivers tend to stick to these roads because of the lack of both speed cameras, and police cars equipped with ANPR technology.

Not many people know this, but you can actually have a QR Code printed on your number plate (Quite sizeable ofcourse), to show the ANPR camera various details about your car, and such details are displayed on the screen in the fuzzmobile. Looks cool, you could add a message in there, lol...

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Nice one, the more of these uninsured, untaxed muppets they get off of the road the better. I'm all in favour of ANPR cameras everywhere, much better than speed cameras IMO

We started fitting them on petrol filling stations a while ago ;) sshhhh

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