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Posts posted by sheepy

  1. My beam pattern seems fine when parked up near a wall, it looks like all the other photo's of what it should be so the alignment seems okay, it's just when i'm driving it seems to raise for too high on the left hand side and the right hand side cut off (to prevent oncoming drivers being blinded) seems too much. I've done a really crappy image (in work) using paint to try and describe this. Is this what they're like for other people? I got through my M.O.T. fine so im not particularly worried I'm just hyper conscious that I'm blinding drivers as I overtake them on the bypass .

    if I lower it all the way it does prevent this but the part straight infront of the drivers side and to the right is too low and the cut off doesn't travel far enough for me to see that far ahead.


  2. I'm running Mintex on Mtec grooved and no problems or noise, the grooved is merely aesthetic really as I don't do any track use. I won't go for dimpled as they're primarily for heavy breaking to help cool down the discs. As I won't be doing this they're technically just another weak point in the disc that has the possibility of cracking. I'm not saying this is likely but it's a possibility i'd rather not have.

  3. just see if any one is breaking a storm blue celica easier to just buy the whole mirror if same color?

    I'll keep an eye out, I haven't seen many storm blue's being broken lately. This will be the easiest option cheers.

    I have the Chipex kit for my Storm Blue T-Sport, good colour match.

    I think I'll something like this for the time being. Can't hurt until I get a new mirror it'll be good to have a spare lying around

  4. the farecla g3 stuff in a tube is supposed to be brilliant but never used it .i may get a tube and see if i can get some of my scratches out saying that .

    I think Opie oils sell some of that stuff. Let me know if you give it a try.

    Edit : http://www.opieoils.co.uk/pv-97739-farecla-g3-scratch-remover-step-2-of-4-150ml-paste.aspx?utm_source=ProductSearch&utm_medium=GoogleBase&utm_campaign=GoogleBase_ProductsFeed&utm_content=97739&gclid=CKSzvuLXqrsCFUh72wod6AQAXw

    same problem !!! i got a ready mix touch up pen from mr.T in 210 carbon / storm blue..... tried it on an inconspicuous area and the colour match was terrible !

    You'd think that would give the best results. I'll give that one a miss then.

  5. I've got a few scratches from doors and stones, only a couple of chips on the front wing. Can anyone recommend any good products like chippex or t-cut? I scraped the wing mirror on the garage wall last night and i'm not sure how to go about re painting it especially with that part being plastic. Also to make things trickier it's storm blue. Any advice guys?

  6. I've been using v-power for quite awhile now (also triple points at the moment), I did notice an improvement but I never reset my ECU. What would this actually do and since it's been awhile of using v-power is it still worth doing. My MPG is dreadful lately, i'm going to look at cleaning the MAF sensor. Would resetting the ECU also help and is this done just by removing the battery cables for it to reset?

  7. I didn't notice much difference in mpg when switching to high octane.. actually it was worse but I think that was due to using considerably more lift than usual on those trips :lol: (Snake pass on way to Sheffield, glorious road).

    The feel in the engine is noticeable however. It's been running a hell of a lot smoother since topping up with v-power.

  8. My friends parents used to own one back around 1999, I loved the shape and the look and said from then on that one day I will own one. I passed my test a year and a half ago, had a Skoda Felicia (cheap car, cheap insurance) which quickly died on my (head gasket). Next car i stepped it up a notch with a 2000 Meganne sports alize coupe, looked really nice, fell apart on me and cost me a fortune to get fixed. Realised that I needed to invest more money to get a car that wasn't gonna cost me a fortune in repairs. I didnt want to go down the boring hatchback route. Then I remembered about the celica, I just assumed they'd be out of my price range but since I was investing a bit more I had a ganders at the price range.....perfect.

    Fun car to drive / reliable / low mileage. I managed to get a t-sport 2005 model with 52k on the clock, been driving for a few weeks now and the smile hasnt left my face. :)

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