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Everything posted by vvtirob

  1. I like your thinking MYK! I do want a TRD Spoiler though, and the kit will come a bit further down the line. Need to save up!
  2. Hahaha, yeah... it really is worth more than mine though! Not sure if it would be worth £2500 though, Glass's Guide on my car says £1275 - £2520, On that one (after I did insurance check) it said £1950-£3160! Lovely car though, I'd pull him right down on the price though because I pick a fault with everything!
  3. Dude, do you have the whole document? I would love to see the changes for commercial type vehicles too as I developed an asset maintenance system for our software and part of it includes MOT's on commercial vehicles, but I can't find the document anywhere! Cheers!
  4. Okay... so you guys... here's what you do. You email him back, and you say - "There's a young squire on Celica Club that goes by the name of Rob. He's a valiant young chap who would be happy to take this fake TRD Celica off your hands for a grand total of a whole two hundred and fifty thousand Great British pence."
  5. Yeah they do, I think it's a big blue bar at the top of the front page - or something to that effect, but the DVLA do refer to the New Registered Keeper at time of sale, as the Buyer - so in a case like this; it would work in Dragon's favor. I do agree with you though, that the V5C is only a statement of who is responsible for registering and taxing the vehicle though. It's just unfortunate that the DVLA don't cover this 'loop hole' on the V5C, I mean really - you'd think it would say who ACTUALLY owns the vehicle... ridiculous!
  6. Haha, yeah he's removed the auction too.
  7. According to the INS160 V5C Documentation provided by the DVLA - the "New Registered Keeper" is referred to as the "Buyer" and therefore, the new Owner of vehicle. Edit: Even though you are quite right - the V5C is not a proof of ownership, meant to add that! >_<
  8. Have you sent the V5C off already? He can effectively call up and deny ownership - but luckily, being a Pole, he'll not know that. Soon as the V5C registers his name as the owner, it's nothing to do with you anymore. If he constantly pesters you, contact the police - he's accepted the sale of a car without prejudice and with full knowledge of everything you could tell him. It's not your job to find out if he can insure a car, it's his - and if he constantly harasses you for this, a simple call to him from the Fuzz will put him off contacting you again. If however you want to try and be as helpful as possible to him (I wouldn't... it's his own fault for not researching this before wasting your time) - then direct him here; http://www.superquote.com/foreign-licence-international-insurance/ - regardless of Import or not, it's primarily his lack of UK Driving License - and probably no previous record of UK Held Insurance that's preventing him from getting insured by your average high street broker - especially if he's trying to get it on a monthly basis. Let's keep in mind, monthly insurance is a credit agreement, which undergoes a narrowly scoped credit check. But if this guy has no registered address, isn't on some sort of electoral registers, nor has any other credit in good stead - he definitely won't get insured, for any car - let alone an import. His only option is to buy it outright, and from a specialised insurer - such as the comparison website I just linked above. If you want to keep the peace, I'd call him and state that you'll try to help him with getting the car insured, (then give him the website) and state, that if he persistently calls you about it, you'll notify the police. That should negate his disappointment and give him a hopeful chance, and also warn him of the consequences if he continues to call you. Hope this helps!
  9. The S looks like it's been cut from this... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/R-S-BADGE-CHROME-SELF-ADHESIVE-GREAT-LOOK-NEW-/251080334958?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3a758dde6e Do not like the bonnet spoilers... looks ridiculous. The car looks well aside from that, and the weird flares on the front and rear arches... but... saying it's a TRD Celica when it clearly isn't... Also, my insurance company on the new quote section says... Registration: PA05HVL Manufacturer: TOYOTA Model: CELICA VVT-I T SPORT Model Year: 2005 Transmission: Manual Engine Size: 1800
  10. Good place to catch 'em! Even the uninsured need juice and expensive fags!
  11. Thanks again dude I've never looked after a car so much before, lmao... even the 12 plate A3 didn't get this much attention from me.
  12. Haha yeah - I should stop eating that yellow snow stuff! Thanks Harv, I'll have a look at that and see how I get on... I don't get any juddering, it idles smooth as hell - everything feels pretty good to me, I just want to make sure it's not being just being used to driving a focus, and the Celica actually not being up to scratch! So cheers for that, I'll get a video of the smoke being thrown out of the exhaust when I do it, see how filthy it is! Edit: Lol.. the guy... "SELLYKA"
  13. I fully agree. There was a huge e-petition about a year ago to have all speed cameras on major roads switched out for ANPR cameras. I think it's a great idea, another good place would be on the underside or overside of bridges over motorways, on the backroads. A lot of uninsured drivers tend to stick to these roads because of the lack of both speed cameras, and police cars equipped with ANPR technology. Not many people know this, but you can actually have a QR Code printed on your number plate (Quite sizeable ofcourse), to show the ANPR camera various details about your car, and such details are displayed on the screen in the fuzzmobile. Looks cool, you could add a message in there, lol...
  14. Hey folks, After seeing Geraintthomas's modifications thread (Very nice Gen 7 by the way!) - I noticed the section about Seafoam... this looks like something I'm going to do fairly soon, but wondered if anyone has any tips on doing it? As mentioned in a previous thread somewhere, I'm a technical guy... but mechanically... well, not so great! HAHAHA! I'm looking to do it at the weekend (if the seafoam arrives by then) then was thinking of doing a full oil drain and change, and replacing the oil filter (those bits I can do!) just to be sure it's running sweet as a nut! Any tips would be super sexy.
  15. Yeah, haha, they're not too bad with traffic/motoring issues, the 5-0 around Rotherham and Sheffield. Car crime is pretty high in Sheffield and Rotherham, but mostly due to uninsured drivers and untaxed motors, you always see someone being pulled on the drive to work, haha. They've recently just launched 2 Range Rover HSE Sport's fitted with ANPR camera's and all the works... I saw one on the road in Hellaby and it looked like a normal dark grey Rangey until a Pug 106 went by the opposite direction and it spun round from infront of me and shot off with the blue's and two's... such quick acceleration, and the sound was pretty decent too. Not an amazing turning circle though!
  16. Hahaha, I know right? I often let the miss use of 'to' and 'too' slide... but how can anyone mix up 'two' and 'too' is beyond me! It's almost like... 'All the leaves have fallen off the threes... but it's okay, four I have swept them up.' Lmao!
  17. Haha, I'll watch out for his grammar, Kev! I knooooooow what you mean Serratia, a lot of forums tend to have a select few people who understand the difference between certain words - but suck assface at typing them!
  18. Haha, Kev! I'm so bad with grammar fails... I'm usually the first to call my mother out on Facebook when she uses "you're" and "your" incorrectly.
  19. Haha, you're so right... believe me, us well spoken folk are rather few and far between around these parts. U c lot ov this on facetwittertube frm ur evry dai maltby inbred.
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