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Fat tony

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Posts posted by Fat tony

  1. See, now that kinda thing from the Police really pisses me off. I had the same kinda thing happen to me by some fucking retard off duty copper who followed me onto my driveway. He was the one who gave me the producer for my horn not working - technically it did. He left our 'discussion' by saying that he would leave it for 3 days until he was back on duty to let me know if he was going to do me for reckless driving.

    When I took my signed paperwork for the producer to the cop shop, I told the officer who I was dealing with about the cop and what he had said on my driveway. He said I should make a formal complaint.

    By saying he 'may' check up on you is neither one thing or the other. He either has an official problem with your car or he is taking the piss and messing you around.

    An off duty police officer in civilian clothes and I'm guessing his own vehicle is playing a dangerous legal game pulling you. Get the complaint in with the correct authorities mate. They have to be in uniform and in a police vehicle.

  2. It's all in the prep work. I used to spray cars/bikes/planes etc, and the more time we spent getting it ready the better. I once took 4 days prepping a set of bike panels, a bit excessive but it needed to be spot on. It's true you get what you pay for, £2000 should get you a decent respray in metalic. But £500 could get you the same in a solid colour, depends on how much time they spend on the little dinks etc.

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